
It’s my birthday in a few days!!! (November 22nd). I hope the presents are alreadyย in the mail! ๐Ÿ˜›

I’m going to be 23. Gross huh? Who knew I would ever get to be so OLD! icky.ย 

It’s a shame that we all have to get older. I would have liked to stay 21 FOREVER ๐Ÿ™ย 

So, here’s some pics of me when I was 21!ย  (psshht, who wants to see pics of some 23 year old broad right? I’ll spare you the horror.) ๐Ÿ˜›

birthday1.jpgย birthday2.jpgย birthday3.jpgย 

birthday4.jpgย birthday5.jpgย birthday6.jpg
