Diddylicious and I, kinda

I was looking around Diddy’s website today *shifty eyes* and I found these little gems!! Diddylicious is so adorable 🙂 These pictures must be from many years ago when I was in a few Special Edition Playboys but I’ve never seen these Diddy pictures before (or at least it’s been so long that I’ve forgotten) so I thought I would share! Diddy looks all grown up now, check her out if you haven’t seen her recently… cause DAMN!

Who wore it best?

I love all the Spunky Girls, they are such a great group of girls! As Spunky’s first model I’ve donated a lot of clothing to the Spunky wardrobe closet and I love seeing my past outfits on all these different girls. I don’t think it’s any secret that the Spunky Girls often share a similar wardrobe across our websites. Each of us puts a unique spin on our choice of clothing but the similarities are there. Which leads me to ask… who wore it best?

Christmas Countdown -1

karen loves kate

Because it’s almost the big day I’ve brought you something extra special, two for the price of one! Karen and I are a weird couple so I’d probably wrap her present super pretty, bows and ribbon, real girly like… There would be a pretty pair of crotchless panties and a matching lacy bra inside. But they would be wrapped around one of those fake plastic vomit things. Such is the nature of our relationship… 🙂